Tales of Boarding School

I went to boarding school at the age of 6, to a school very far away from where my family lived. Allow me to share some of my experiences there some of which have shaped who I am today. It was common to lose personal items like shoe laces, slippers and even underwear. The PhysicalContinue reading “Tales of Boarding School”

Thoughts on Our Health Care System Continue…

I went to check with the doctor who requested that a scan be taken. The results from the scan showed I was overdue by two weeks. “Just go back home and wait for contractions” Dr. said. I did not question his advice but in my mind I wondered. Contractions, really? I thought it was goingContinue reading “Thoughts on Our Health Care System Continue…”


5th October is World Teachers’ Day. Sadly, this year, it comes at a time when many teachers are feeling demoralized given that schools have been closed for over six months due to COVID-19. We acknowledge and celebrate our dear teachers all the same. One relationship with a teacher from my primary school has stayed withContinue reading “CELEBRATING A TEACHER I LOVED”

Have We Bitten Off More Than We Can Chew?

As I reflect on my typical day I find myself wondering if we, working women today have bitten of more than we can chew. We have been told that our great grandmothers and grandmothers stayed home, attended to every need of every family member, ensuring that meals are made, tended the garden, and managed theContinue reading “Have We Bitten Off More Than We Can Chew?”

Tales from Child Protection – The Making of a Child Protection Practitioner

How did I end up in this profession? While working with a research project based in Mulago National Referral Hospital in Kampala 12 years ago, I ended up sitting in an office that was on a children’s isolation ward. This ward usually housed children with measles, tetanus, meningitis and those who had been bitten byContinue reading “Tales from Child Protection – The Making of a Child Protection Practitioner”

Tales from the Child Protection Field – Innocence Cries Out

A secure childhood is a right that has since become a privilege. While the aim of child protection is to ensure the child’s safety, and prevent them from suffering harm so as to promote their welfare, health and development, there are horrendous tales to tell. One may ask, “What is child protection?”It is the protectionContinue reading “Tales from the Child Protection Field – Innocence Cries Out”


raising global leaders

Rebel Heart

Be You The World Will Adjust

Ramblings of a Ugandan Daughter

Be Real. Be Righteous. Be Relevant

Duksey's thoughts

If you put alittle bit of heart and a little bit of brain... somewhere therein you will find your place...

Diana. B

Amazing Grace

Maria_ On Wellness:



Chaos in my mind

Maria Alesi

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